A Personal Note

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A Personal Note

Post by Jared »

I admit that this thread is personal, rather than music related however I hope Fran will indulge me in leaving it in the CM section.

Firstly, I wish to apologise for my lack of support for the forum of late, especially with the discussion threads, and my near total absence during the summer. Summer is always a dreadfully busy time for any of us working in the tourist related industry, and the 6 weeks of the summer holidays are always the worst. This year has been as busy as ever and as always, although I've been able to listen to music on a cursory level, I have not been able to give it the attention it deserves.

There have however been other issues, that I have had to deal with. My father has been very poorly indeed this summer. In the spring, he was chronically breathless, which lead him to have a small heart operation at the end of June. Unfortunately, he tried to do too much too soon, his body reacted and he ended up in hospital for 2 weeks with severe pneumonia. Although he has been out for a month, he is once again chronically breathless and X-Rays are now showing scarring on his lungs which need speedy investigation.

The problem is that I am over in Norfolk, 5 hours drive away, working long, unsocial hours and am not able to get to see him. Although I very much enjoy my job as Youth Hostel Manager (I've been doing it for 15 years), I have to admit that it is slowly grinding me down through my inability to achieve an adequate work-life balance (almost ALL the time I am on Tir Na with you guys, I am 'on-call' and have to answer the phone or reception bell) and have therefore over the summer decided to make a major career change.

The economic climate isn't very rosy at present, especially for those of us who really need to live-in with our work. This has necessitated a very time consuming job hunt on my part during 2012, however I have been very fortunate indeed to have found a new job, back in Hereford, starting on Monday 17th Sept. The position is for a Residential House Manager at Watkins Court, a 54 flat complex for the independent retired, where I will be lookinmg after both the building and the Resident's basic non-caring needs. The job will be Mon-Fri 9-5, and you can see a (small) picture of the complex here:

http://www.housingcare.org/housing-care ... gland.aspx

Crucially, I will only be 18 miles from Dad and can therefore pop over in the evening if I need to, however will be only a 7-8 minute walk from the Cathedral where I will be able to hear regular live choral music in the evenings:


I will also be only 10 minutes walk from the Hereford Courtyard theatre, who will be putting on 12 live Opera productions from the Met, some of which I'm hoping to go and see:


It's difficult to describe to you what a potentially life-changing move this is going to be for me in many ways (back in a suit after 15 years!) but 2012 hasn't gone especially smoothly and this has provided me with an opportunity to re-adjust my work-life balance and enjoy my freetime. I will be leaving here on 13th Sept and unfortunately won't have broadband fitted in my new flat until 4th October (British Useless Telecom) so will be away for 3 weeks, however I will make a personal commitment to you, to return as a more committed forum member in October.

Best Wishes to you all, and many thanks for reading.

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Re: A Personal Note

Post by Seán »

Fret not Jared, I expect that you will not have any problems with our friendly Fran.

I am delighted that you have managed to find a position that is more suitable for you and that will enable you to be closer to your father, you don't have your parents forever so treasure them when they are around.

Enjoy the Hereford Court Theater, it sounds lovely.

Don't worry about the September blackout, we will eagerly await your return early in October and hopefully you'll be here for my Má Vlast thread in November.
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Re: A Personal Note

Post by bombasticDarren »

I am pleased that you're making such a positive change Jared.
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Re: A Personal Note

Post by cybot »

The very best of luck Jared and I hope your Dad continues to improve....it must be so hard.
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Re: A Personal Note

Post by fergus »

Jared, you know that you do not need to make excuses for yourself for a lack of support here. Your normal participation level is high, engaging, entertaining and consistent. My only regret on this score is that you did not mention your personal issues earlier because we possibly could have offered you some level of support.

Family comes first Jared and that is where your priorities lie now. I am sorry to hear about your father and I also can well understand your stress and anxiety at being so far away at a time like this. I am delighted that you have been able to at least resolve that issue. The move will do you personally a power of good irrespective of the benefit of being in near proximity to your father. I sincerely hope that both the job and the move go very well for you and I hope that your father gets well soon. I wish you the very best my friend.
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Re: A Personal Note

Post by ravel30 »

Jared my friend,

It is nice to hear from you and to read that you are happy and looking forward to all your new career choices. It is particularly wonderful, I think, that you will be closer to your dad and will have more free time. You are a great inspiration for me when it comes to Classical Music and also as a person. So well done to you and good luck with everything.

Matt (who also neglected Tir Na for way too long)
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Re: A Personal Note

Post by Jared »

Thank you for your kind thoughts everyone.

Although I will continue to pop in for the next week, at least you now know why I will be absent for the following 3 weeks (unless I visit the library in the evening, I suppose!).

I am quite sure my life will become more orderly from the autumn onwards and I will attempt to post some thoughts from concerts at the Cathedral, from the end of the year.
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Re: A Personal Note

Post by Dane »

Sincere wishes for the recovery and health of your dad. And congrats and wishes on the career move.

My memories of that part of the country: Hereford, Worcester, Gloucester, Cheltenham Tewkesbury...
a wonderful place to live. I'd drive into Tewkesbury of IIRC a Tuesday evening to hear the bell-ringers practicing in the Abbey. With the mellow August evening light I could just sit there and relax.

Hoping all goes smoothly. Are you hiring an 18-wheeler artic to move your CD collection?! :D
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Re: A Personal Note

Post by Jared »

^^ yes, Tewkesbury Abbey is lovely... Dad and my step-Mum often take a ride out there from West Malvern where they live. I grew up in North Glos, so it's an area I know like the back of my hand and I'm looking forward to returning there, perhaps to hear some music.
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Re: A Personal Note

Post by Jared »

Gentlemen.... this is a farewell for the time being.

Tomorrow, I will be shutting down the computer and hifi, as everything is prepared for the boxes. I hope to be with you again at the back end of the first week in October (assuming that the obligatory broadband glitches at the other end are swiftly ironed out)... in the meantime, happy listening to all.

For the record, I will be listening to Perahia's Mozart PC round whilst I'm away.

Very Best to All.

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